Sunday, May 5, 2013

Santa Clarita Local Colleges - Obama To Use Austin Visit To Push Ideas To Help Middle Class

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Category - Santa Clarita Local Colleges
Posted By - Hampton Inn Santa Clarita

Santa Clarita Local Colleges
President Barack Obama will use Thursday’s trip to Austin to kick off a “Middle-Class Jobs and Opportunity Tour,” showcasing high-tech companies and schools that are preparing students with cutting-edge technology skills, an aide said Sunday.

In Austin and its surroundings, Obama will visit Manor New Tech High School. He’ll also meet with technology entrepreneurs and visit a high-tech company — as yet unidentified — to spotlight Austin as a hub for innovation and job creation.

“Even though some in Congress are determined to create more self-inflicted economic wounds, there are things Washington could be doing right now to help American businesses, schools and workers,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said.

“We need to build on the progress we’ve made over the last four years, and that means investing in things that are already creating good-paying, stable jobs that can support a middle-class family.”

The president also will meet with Austin workers to “discuss his vision for ensuring that hard work leads to a decent living,” Earnest said.

This is Obama’s second trip to Texas in two weeks. Aides made no mention of whether the president would tuck a political fundraiser into his schedule, as he did in Dallas on the eve of the George W. Bush library dedication and in Austin two years earlier after a border tour in El Paso.

This Austin visit — and day trips Obama will take every several weeks as part of this “Opportunity Tour” — are meant to prod Congress to embrace his views on ways to speed economic recovery.

The Austin trip is meant to put a focus on making America a magnet for jobs, ensuring that workers have the skills they need to compete and earn a livable wage. To that end, the president will push for expanded early-childhood education and a minimum-wage increase, according to aides.

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