Sunday, March 10, 2013

Vacations In Santa Clarita - DeAndre Jordan Puts In Bid For NBA Dunk Of The Year

Source -
By - Michael Middlehurst-Schwartz

Vacations In Santa Clarita
DeAndre Jordan might have taken the Los Angeles Clippers' dunking crown, if only for a moment.

With a comfortable lead in the second quarter Sunday against the Pistons, Chris Paul set up the center with an alley-oop pass normally reserved for Blake Griffin. Then Jordan, already rolling to the basket at full speed, rises up and extends over Pistons guard Brandon Knight, who gets knocked to the floor.

And as an exclamation point, Jordan steps over Knight as Paul gives him a congratulatory shove. The Clippers went on to win 129-97, and Jordan finished with 13 points and seven rebounds.

Staples Center featured so many great reactions, but here are power rankings of the most notable responses:

1. Children celebrating at :20. It's as if they've been transported into the second half of any given Harlem Shake video. Everyone should have something in their lives that makes them this happy.

2. DeAndre Jordan's face at :26. Someone has been studying McKayla Maroney. 

3. Blake Griffin and the Clippers' bench at :27. If Griffin has dunker's envy, he's hiding it well.

4. Vinnie Del Negro. Ugh. Not even a smirk as he attempts to brush Griffin back and move the game along. It's as though he thinks there's still another half left.

The move is one Knight will hear about for some time, as the second-year pro had his Wikipedia page vandalized shortly after the game.

As for dunk of the year? Milwaukee Bucks point guard Brandon Jennings says Jordan's move deserves the title -- and he's not alone.

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